Wednesday, December 21, 2011

As Americans, shouldn't we try to listen to each others opinions without all the mud slinging?

Why do we hate each other? Why can't we just say: you have your opinion, I have mine and leave it at that? And why do people always attack the president whether it be a democrat or republican? Is it true that presidents have taken blame for things that he had know control over? I dunno know about you, but with me all the slander and condemnation has made be utterly ill. And its not that I agree with everything Clinton did or Bush. For example: The Foley incident was about Foley! Not Bush and not the republican party. And I'm sure there where things Clinton wanted to fix when he was in office, but republicans would oppose him on things that where important. Do you think that we shouldn't make things harder for any president than what they already are?


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