Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Is Imitation Crab Meat the Most Revolting and Loathsome Product Ever, or Is it just me?

Maybe its because I'm from Louisiana and to me Seafood is a sacred thing not to be played with. But I mean c'mon, Imitation Crab Meat?? Why would a person even WANT to eat that stuff?? Every time I see it in the Grocery store I want to run up and turn the displays over like Jesus did to the money changer tables in the Temple. I wish I could acquire ALL of it at once and set it on fire. Does anybody actually eat and enjoy that stuff?? If so, have you ever had the joy of eating REAL crab meat?? (New Orleans style) That stuff should be rounded up and buried in Mariana'a Trench.......Who's with me!!??


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